Thursday, October 31, 2019

Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Mix - Essay Example According to Peterson, the best way to market a brushless car washer in Terre Haute is by using the media houses, for instance, the television networks. Since television is a common property in most regions, the wash can be marketed through this means by simply airing the whole advertisement on the local television network so that people can view the operations of the device and make purchases (Peterson). As the business to business, B2B, deals with the delivery of goods and services between different business units targeting large market opportunities, business to consumer, B2C, deals with the provision of these goods and services to from the business unit to the other consumers targeting smaller customer bases. Â  Besides, as B2B operations create their identity through the personal branding often created over time following a multiple of steps, the B2C enterprises create this through long-term imagery initiated stepwise (Peterson). The factors that affect business in Terre Haute are both from within and from without and include; the national politics and legal affairs of a country which contributes in creating an enabling environment for the businesses to operate fully, the socio-economic factors such as the availability of capital as well as the people's beliefs concerning certain goods traded on which actually determines the consumer trends. The other factor is technological adoption which determines the rate and quality of the products released to the market consequently affecting the consumer trends.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to plan and provide environments and services support children Essay Example for Free

How to plan and provide environments and services support children Essay Describe the factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services: All staff has a duty of care for children and each other within the setting. It is important that everybody is aware of government legislation regarding the schools Health and Safety policy in regards to potential risks and hazards and what should happen if an incident occurs. As health and safety is primarily common sense it becomes second nature when working with children to abide by the Health and Safety policy. When working within a school staff should always make sure that areas are fit to purpose prior to any learning or play activities this could mean doing a risk assessment to ensure areas are safe and free from any potential risks. If a risk is spotted it should be reported immediately or logged for attention. The factors to take into account are: Every child is an individual and progresses at different rates and each child has different needs which depend on their age and ability. When we plan activities we should think about ways in which way we can keep all children active and the layout of the room and the needs of the child if you have a baby in the room you would not allow toddlers to be running round. Also if children wanted to ride bikes this should be done outside with more space and under supervision. Some children may have more specific needs than other children if they are have a sensory impairment provisions should be put in place so the child will enjoy mainstream school as much as the next child. An adult could also have specific needs where a risk assessment may need to be done at some time like if the person is pregnant or impaired in some way. Individual support may be offered to families/carers that have different needs to others. When working with children we should always be aware of our environment as we would not allow a child to run around the classroom with scissors, if this did happen we would explain or ask the child why this is a dangerous thing to do. In any school yard there should be separate sides of the yard were say football is played rather than all the children playing in line of the ball as this may cause injury. Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained and how people in  the work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely: Within school settings health and safety is monitored and maintained by the schools policies and procedures these are implemented by a governing body then must be carried out to the letter. Anybody running a place where members of public visit must have a duty of care and not let people be exposed to hazards that may cause illness or harm them. Visitors must follow the set guidelines to ensure the safety and well being of all children within the setting. Children who are being collected must be collected by a person known by the teacher unless prior information given, if a child requires medicine then this will be left in the office with a consent form received from the parents. Within school if a accident / incident happens then it is recorded and parents are informed of the child’s injury i.e. bumped head letter. W ithin schools there will always be a first aider available to deal with an injury. Confidentiality policy is always kept within school the only time confidentiality should be broken is when neglect or a form of abuse is suspected and the relevant authorities need to know. Risk assessments are carried out daily by teachers and all staff to ensure no potential risks or hazards. If anything is found it must be recorded and reported immediately relevant staff must be notified. Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments and services: All settings should have copies of the latest legislation as recorded in 1.4 they will also have their own policies and procedures. There is also a lot of information to be found on the internet: Health and safety executive Child accident prevention trust Department for education Explain how current health and safety legislation, policies and procedures are implemented in own work setting: When working with schools we have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of all children and fellow colleagues as they are entrusted in our care listed below are the main policies: Policies and procedures regarding Health and Safety at Work are given to all staff including volunteers on the first day of employment  within the setting this is based on the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The main responsibilities of this act are that all buildings should be maintained to a high standard, designed with safety in mind. The environment should always be clean and tidy; all equipment should be stored away safely. As is good practice working practice should promote the health and safety of children. These acts also provides protection for employees by the workplace being a safe place and not pose a risk to employee’s health as stated in COSHH all hazardous substan ces and cleaning equipment stored away safely. Training should be provided for all employees on health and safety. PPE clothing should be provided free of charge. Certain injuries, diseases and incidents should be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Executive. First aid facilities and a first aider should be accessible at all times, within each setting there will be a safety representative who can be consulted regarding issues which may affect health and safety. Finally the legal duties of all employees must be responsible to take care of their own health and safety and that of others affected by their actions. All employees must cooperate with the health and safety at work act. This will be kept in the office and available to all. Fire precaution act 1971 and regulations :The fire authority will issue a fire certificate when happy that all correct procedures are in place .They also check the fire equipment and correct fire escapes and routes of departure COSHH (control of substances hazardous to health) this is monitored and maintained within schools by ensuring all chemicals and cleaning equipment is locked away in a cupboard away from all children. All chemicals must be clearly marked. RIDDOR 1995 (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Da ngerous Occurrence Regulations )this is a legal duty to explain work related deaths, any major incidents or injuries, work related diseases and dangerous occurrence. When carrying children or equipment always promote good practice. The Childcare Act 2006 this sets out the statutory framework for health and safety within all settings including that of the EYFS their standards are monitored by Ofsted. Product safety marking these must be (PAT tested) regularly and they will hold the kite mark to say they have been tested. Toys must carry a CE showing that the product meets European standards. Motor vehicles regulations 2006 seat belts must be worn at all times and booster seats provided for children under a certain height (135cm). Smoking ban 2007 EYFS  this includes a legal requirement to ensure all children are in a smoke free zone. The manual handling operations regulation act 1992Employers must ensure that correct guidelines are followed when lifting pupils or equipment. Hygiene legislation 2006 This covers the safe preparation and storage of food .All kitchen staff must hold a current food hygiene certificate .There must be posters displayed within the kitchen reminding staff of good practice i.e. different coloured chopping boards and how food is stored correctly. The early years foundation stage (EYFS) Statutory framework for eyfs 2008 ensuring all aspects of welfare for children is covered ,this includes safeguarding ,suitable people ,suitable premises and equipment .There must be correct documentation within the organisation. Other procedures which are in place to safeguard children are: Safety fence and locked gates disallowing children to leave when in outdoors areas. All doors which provide entry and access are locked and door handles unobtainable to children. All visitors must sign in and wear a badge if there for a while must be notified about health and safety. Children must be picked up by the named person unless by prior arrangement. Confidentiality maintained at all times unless abuse is suspected. Admissions where no child can be looked on more favourably than another. Accident/incident must be recorded if a child has a bump or injury then this must be sent home to parents explaining what happened if a major incident must be forwarded to relevant people. Taking of medic ines they must be stored correctly parents must sign a consent form to say what the medicine is and how much and when their child is allowed it. Within the setting there will be a notice in the staff room of which child is asthmatic or allergic to food or other things so each staff member can see.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Good And A Bad Oil And Petrol Service Economics Essay

Good And A Bad Oil And Petrol Service Economics Essay With reference to the case study, distinguish clearly between a good and a bad service. Answer A good service is customer oriented. In the case study companies such as Tesco, that offer blended petrol offer a good service. Blended petrol has a uniform price, is a renewable energy source, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. On the other hand, companies offering petrol offer a bad service since the prices of fuel vary between regions and increases pollution. Question 2. With reference to the production of either oil or bio-ethanol, explain the concepts of scarcity and opportunity cost. Answer The production of bio-ethanol requires resources such as corn, wheat, and maize. However, these resources are scarce, i.e. there are not enough of the resources to feed the US population and to produce bio-ethanol. Thus, the production or the non-production of bio-ethanol raises the issue of opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of production is the lack of corn, maize, and wheat to feed the population. The opportunity cost of non-production includes the lack of a clean atmosphere due to the consumption of oil, which is a pollutant. Question 3. Explain why the price of petrol is generally higher in rural areas, such as North West Scotland, than in urban areas. Answer There is a higher demand for petrol in rural areas compared to the urban areas. The rural area people travel longer by car and are more reliant on the car compared to the urban populations. Additionally, the rural population is not dependent on the public means of transport as is the case in the urban areas. These factors increase the demand for petrol and thus its prices. An increase in demand drives up prices. Question 4. Explain why the demand for petrol is price inelastic, whilst the cross-elasticity of demand for a brand of petrol is high. Answer Despite the price of petrol, people will use their cars. Thus, even doubling the price of petrol does not significantly affect the demand for petrol (Pindyck and Rubinfeld, 2008). This makes the demand for petrol price inelastic. Additionally, reducing the consumption of petrol requires significant changes such as driving less, purchasing a more fuel-efficient car, and using the public means of transport. However, the cross-elasticity of demand for a brand of petrol is high since the availability of petrol brands that are priced lower than petrol results to a shift in demand from petrol to the cheaper substitute. For instance, a reduction in the price of diesel would lead to a shift to diesel cars. Question 5. a] Draw a fully labeled diagram to show the impact on the demand for petrol of an increase in the price of diesel fuel. b] Clearly explain the impact on the demand for petrol of an increase in the price of diesel fuel. Answer The increase in price of diesel from P1 to P2 will result to an increase in the quantity demanded of petrol from Q1 to Q2. The increase in the price leads to a rise in the quantity demanded of the substitute good. Petrol and diesel are close substitutes and an increase in the price of diesel will lead to an increase in the quantity demanded of petrol. The price and quantity demanded of substitute goods have a direct relationship. Question 6 a] Draw a fully labeled diagram to show the impact on the demand for diesel powered cars of an increase in the price of diesel fuel. b] Clearly explain the impact on the demand for diesel powered cars of an increase in the price of diesel fuel. Answer Diesel and diesel powered cars are complimentary goods. For complimentary products, if the price of one commodity is increased, it results to the consumers demanding less of the complimentary good. Thus, an increase in the price of diesel fuel from P1 to P2 will result in a decline in the demand for diesel-powered cars from Q1 to Q2. The price and quantity demanded of complimentary goods are inversely correlated. Question 7 a] Do you consider petrol to be a normal good or an inferior good? Answer Normal good b] Explain your answer to question 7a]. Answer The quantity demanded for normal goods increase with an increase in income (Mankiw, 2008). The quantity demanded for petrol is likely to increase once income increases and vise versa. An increase in income will lead to more people purchasing automobiles. This will lead to a higher demand for petrol. The income elasticity of demand for petrol is positive. Otherwise, if the quantity demanded for petrol declines with an increase in income, petrol would be an inferior good. Question 8 a] Explain how an oil company might increase the supply of oil in the short-run. Answer The supply of oil is inelastic in the short-run because of the significant costs of production. Once an oil field has been constructed, the costs of running the field remain significantly the same irrespective of the capacity of operation. However, if the prices of oil increase in the short-run, the oil companies may increase the supply of oil since the marginal costs of production become insignificant. b] Explain the impact on short-run costs of increasing supply in the short-run. Answer An increase in the supply of oil in the short-run leads to an increase in the marginal costs of production. The quantity of oil supplied in the short-run depends on the ability of the price increase to cover the marginal costs. Question 9 Explain the profit maximizing output of a firm in the oil supply industry. The firm maximizes its profit at the point where MC=MR. This implies that the firm will continue to increase its production of oil until the point where no more profits can be generated (Mankiw, 2008). Question 10 a] Which market structure do you believe best describes petrol retailing in the UK. Answer Non-collusive oligopoly b] Explain your answer to question 10a]. Answer A small number of oil retailers characterize the market. The market is a high-volume, low profit margin implying that a variation in price by one firm affects the profitability of the other firms. c] Identify one strategy that a petrol-retailing firm might choose when competing with other petrol retailing firms. Answer A reduction in prices d] Explain the advantages and disadvantages of that strategy. A small discount on the price that is offered by the other firms in the oligopolistic market will lead to an increase in the sales of the firm offering the discount. The disadvantage of the strategy is that the other firms in the market are likely to follow suit and reduce their prices. This leads to Bertrand-Nash equilibrium where the long-run outcome is that the entire market will suffer a reduction in prices (Krugman and Wells, 2004). The firms can also compete on quantities. If a firm increases its quota of production, it will able to capture a larger market than the competing firms. However, it will lead to Cournot-Nash equilibrium when other firms adopt the same strategy (Krugman and Wells, 2004). An increase in prices reduces the prices in the market and firms suffer a reduction of prices. The use of petrol as a fuel for cars generates market failure in the form of externalities. Question 11a] Explain why ignoring the externalities can result in the over-consumption of petrol. Answer The consumption of petrol produces externalities such as pollution and traffic congestion. If these externalities are not included in the prices of petrol, the price of petrol will not reflect the total cost of production. Thus, in a competitive market, the existence of un-priced externalities in the market will result in under pricing of oil and its subsequent overconsumption. b] Explain how ONE policy instrument can reduce this market failure. Market-based instruments are among the policy measures used for reducing market failures. The strategy employs pricing and other economic variables to offer incentives for the reduction of negative externalities. The method seeks to eliminate market failure caused by negative externalities by incorporating external costs of consumption and production. This is done through various means such as taxation, charges on products, establishing property rights, and establishing alternative markets for the consumption of environmental services.

Friday, October 25, 2019

St Thomas Aquinas Essay -- Religion Philosophy

St Thomas Aquinas It has been written that "since the day of Aristotle, probably no one man has exercised such a powerful influence on the thinking world as did St Thomas Aquinas." Thomas Aquinas was born in 1225 in Italy of a noble family, thus separated by 900 years to Aristotle. He received his first education at the Abbey of Monte Cassino, going on from there to the University of Naples. In 1243, he joined the Dominican monastic order at Cologin. His most influential teacher was another Dominican, Albertus Magnis, a German who wrote extensively on theological matters and questions of national science, especially biology. Thomas was also a highly successful lecturer, and travelled widely across Europe, particularly on the business of his order and the church. In his short and active life, Thomas produced a prodigious amount of writing: commentaries on biblical books and Aristotelian work, short essays on philosophical problems, and a lengthy compendium of Christian apoletices, the Summa Centra Gentiles, which, as Chambers et. al. writes was probably intended for Dominican missionaries working to convert heretics and infidels. St Thomas begins the Summa Centra Gentiles as writes by reaffirming what Aristotle claimed at the beginning of Metaphysics, namely, he that studies the end or purpose of the universe is rightly called a wise man. He is wise because he is studying that which is highest and most noble among the subjects of study: Truth. Truth, Aquinas claims, i...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Overpopulation Problems

Before we move on to overpopulation problems, we need to know about the various factors that are responsible for this incessant rise in population. Significant improvement in quality of life and basic health services has resulted in decline in death rate, and at the same time has caused an increase in the birth rate. Continuous migration of people from underdeveloped areas to developed areas has triggered an unnatural growth in population in developed areas, thus, putting immense pressure on available resources. Our failure in understanding the problems caused by overpopulation in urban areas is reflected in unplanned growth of newer towns and cities. More importantly, a look at the projected population growth is even more horrendous, which in itself stresses on the fact that we are not learning from our mistakes. Read more oncauses of overpopulation. Problems Caused by Overpopulation Overpopulation problems refer to a series of interwoven problems which are basically caused due to population explosion. The worst thing about these problems is that they act as major hindrances in the process of development. Though restricted to the urban areas as of now, these problems have already begun and it will be just a matter of time before they engulf the entire planet. Scarcity of Resources Available resources will not be sufficient to meet the demand of rising population. Only 3% of water on the planet is potable, so overpopulation problems will start with the lack of drinking water for millions of people across the globe. Land available for agricultural production is also shrinking, which means the amount of crop produced will decrease with time. If population increases and crop production decreases, a large part of population will be left to die of hunger. In fact, Thomas Malthus had predicted this problem of food shortage due to rise in population two centuries ago through his theory of population. Scarcity of resources will not just be restricted to food and water, it will also affect various other walks of life, including health services, jobs and many basic amenities. Health Problems The amount of waste produced by increasing population will hamper the waste management program in several countries. Untreated waste and poor hygiene will result in the spread of diseases. A large population will make the spread of contagious diseases even more easier. Health resources available with us will not be sufficient enough to cater to the needs of the huge population in case of an epidemic, and the death toll will be difficult to handle. Entire planet will experience large scale outbreaks of diseases, which will wipe out a large part of population by itself. Environmental Issues Increase in population will also increase the anthropogenic activities which cause global warming and related climate change. Larger the population, more will be the environmental issues that we will have to deal with like pollution and deforestation. We have proved time and again that we won't hesitate to encroach upon the natural surroundings and destroy them if we don't have a place to stay. This will result in loss of habitat for various species and cause a severe ecological imbalance on the planet. It would be foolish to expect that we will be safe from these overpopulation effects, as all lifeforms subsisting on this planet, including humans, are dependent on each other, either directly or indirectly. These overpopulation problems would not have affected us if we had unlimited land and resources, but that is not the case. Already limited resources are being continuously divided into smaller and smaller portions, especially the land. Perhaps we are yet to understand the hazards of overpopulation, or maybe we will continue to turn a blind eye to them until it causes some serious calamity. The need of the hour is to identify the solutions for these

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Beowulf Comparison Essay

Beowulf is a very appealing novel as well as a film. The novel Beowulf and the film have many similarities, but they have more differences then anything. While watching the film I noticed many added parts that were not included in the novel. In the film, Grendel’s arm caught is caught on a rope as he’s trying to escape. As the men get closer he has no choice but to cut his own arm off in order to escape, this action is an actual animal reaction when their limb gets caught, the eat their own limb off. This event does not occur in the novel. In the novel Grendel is described as an evil monster with claws, while in the film he appears to be a regular human being. There is also some romance that goes on in the film. Another difference is that the novel is written in very old English while the English in the film seems a little more modern. Religion also seemed to play an important role in the film that it didn’t play on the novel. Before I watched the film I expected an ugly demon looking thing to play the role of Grendel, but instead he was just a very tall man with birth defects. In my opinion Grendel is not the monster the book makes him out to be. When Beowulf becomes furious with Grendel he begins to mimic Beowulf in amusement. While in the novel Grendel becomes angry and goes completely wild. I found both the novel and the movie amusing because they both had something different to offer. Reading the book allows you to visualize the characters and what their personality traits are going to be like. The novel will also allow me to better understand the climax and main points. As far as the film goes, it really helped me comprehend what is going on in the story, due to the novel being in Old English. After reading the novel I expected the film to be distinctively different, especially the way Grendel was portrayed. Despite the differences from the novel and the film, they both give me a clear understanding of what is occurring in the story.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Informational Interviews

Informational Interviews Informational Interviews Informational Interviews By Mark Nichol So, you think you want to work for a certain company or in a particular profession in a specific position or department. How do you know for sure? How do you find out? Conducting informational interviews is a good place to start. What’s an informational interview? It’s a meeting with someone in a position, department, company, or profession that intrigues you. You’re not certain whether you are suited for or interested in that career, so you ask someone who knows what working in such an environment involves. (Equally important is what an informational interview is not: It is not a stratagem for finagling an opportunity to ask for a job under the guise of merely obtaining information.) How do you go about setting up an informational interview? Brainstorm, and check with friends and family, to find someone who works in a position or a company in the profession you’re interested in learning more about. Ask for an introduction, or contact the person directly. If you can’t identify a friend of a friend to interview, search online for contact information for a likely candidate and make a cold call (or, better yet, send a cold email, and then follow up with a call if you haven’t heard back from the person within a few days). To get the interview, write or say something like this: â€Å"I’m exploring new career opportunities, and I’m intrigued by your job description/your company/your profession. Before I seek employment as a (blank), I’d like to make sure that it’s the right fit for me, and I’d appreciate the opportunity to ask you a few questions about your work. â€Å"Could we meet for coffee, or at your office, for thirty minutes? This is not a stealth effort to ask for a job. It’s premature for me to seek employment in (job area) until I’m certain I have the aptitude and skills, and I am not deceitful. I’m genuinely interested in benefiting from your knowledge and insights.† If the recipient declines (which is unlikely most people are willing to share their professional know-how with a newcomer), thank them for their consideration and reply with a request for the name of someone else in the same company or profession who might be amenable to an interview. Here are questions to ask (but find out what you can through your own research first): 1. How do you spend your workday, and what are the weekly, monthly, and yearly cycles, if any, of your workload? 2. What is the balance of routine and novelty in your job? Does your work largely follow a set pattern, and does that appeal to you, or is it mostly unpredictable, and do you like that? 3. What type of skills and knowledge did you bring to your job, and what have you acquired? What skills or knowledge do you apply most often? 4. (Briefly outline your educational/work history.) How would one start out in this profession, and what other coursework or job experience would you recommend or would you consider indispensable? 5. Are there any other qualifications, such as union or association membership, tests or examinations, or certification or licensing? 6. What are the advancement opportunities, and are there any external requirements for advancement, like certification or advanced degrees? 7. What are the challenges and rewards in your position? 8. How would you describe the workplace culture? 9. What do you wish you had known about this profession when you were exploring it like I am now? 10. Is there anything else I should have asked you? 11. Do you mind if I follow up with other questions or requests for clarification? 12. Who else in this company, or in the profession, do you know who might be able to help me explore further? The most important thing to say, of course, is â€Å"Thank you I appreciate that you took the time and effort to help me in my research† and to do so again in writing (in a mailed note or postcard, not an email message). If you promptly set up an interview with one of the people your interviewee recommended, you can share that news, too a tangible sign of your initiative and persistence. Be sure to follow up, as well, if you decide not to pursue work in the person’s profession or to send your contact information when you do get a job in it (an achievement you managed in part, you’ll certainly emphasize, because of the information and advice the person gave you). The most important thing to do is to honor your pledge not to exploit the person’s offer to meet with you as a pretense for hinting about employment. However, if you are professional and polite, and show a genuine interest in the person’s responses (and don’t just recite your questions the interview should be more of a conversation), the person may ask you to email a copy of your resume â€Å"in case anything comes up.† If not, you’ll use the response to item number 12 to keep the chain unbroken and continue your investigation. So, where’s the writing tip? Please forgive the deviation from the format, but this career-research technique is so useful, and so many people are (surprisingly) unfamiliar with it, that I had to write a post about it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:How to Punctuate References to Dates and TimesList of 50 Great Word Games for Kids and AdultsCapitalizing Titles of People and Groups

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Steinbecks The Pearl Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Midas

Steinbeck's The Pearl Essays - The Pearl, John Steinbeck, Midas Steinbeck's The Pearl The Pearl MATERIAL SOCIETY, MATERIAL THOUGHTS Ever since Midas' lust for gold, it appears to be that man has acquired a greed and appetite for wealth. Juana, the Priest, and the doctor have all undergone a change due to money. They are all affected by their hunger for wealth and inturn are the base for their own destruction, and the destruction of society. Steinbeck's The Pearl is a study of man's self destruction through greed. Juana, the faithful wife of Kino, a paltry peasant man, had lived a spiritual life for what had seemed like as long as she could remember. When her son Coyito fell ill from the bite of a scorpion, she eagerly turned towards the spiritual aspects of life. Beginning to pray for her son's endangered life. The doctor who had resided in the upper-class section of the town, refused to assistant the child, turning them away when they arrived at the door. Lastly they turned to the sea to seek their fortune. When Juana set sight on the Pearl of The World. she felt as though all her prayers had been answered, if she could have foreseen the future what she would have seen would have been a mirror image of her reality. Juana's husband was caught in a twisted realm of mirrors, and they were all shattering one by one. In the night he heard a sound so soft that it might have been simply a thought... and quickly attacked the trespasser. This is where the problems for Juana and her family began. The fear that had mounted in Kino's body had taken control over his actions. Soon even Juana who had always had faith in her husband, had doubted him greatly. It will destroy us all she yelled as her attempt to rid the family of the pearl had failed. Kino had not listened however, and soon Juana began to lose her spiritual side and for a long time she had forgotten her prayers that had at once meant so much to her. She had tried to help Kino before to much trouble had aroused, only to discover that she was not competent enough to help. A hypocrathic oath is said before each medical student is granted a Doctors degree. In the oath they swear to aid the ill, and cure the injured. In the village of La Paz there lived a doctor who had earned his wealth by helping those that were ill and could afford his services. Not once in his long career would he have dared refuse to aid a wealthy lawyer or noblemen. However when Kino and the group of money hungry peasants arrived at his door with a poisoned child he had refused them entry saying Have I nothing better to do than cure insect bites for 'little Indians'? I am a doctor, not a veterinary. for the doctor had known that the peasants hadn't any money. He had been to Paris and had enjoyed the splendors of the world, and therefore he wouldn't be seen dealing with the less fortunate as he knew that the less fortunate would surely always be just that-less fortunate. However it seemed that he had been stereotypical of the less fortunate, as he soon discovered when hearing of a g reat pearl discovered by the peasants who had knocked upon his door earlier that day. A hunger for wealth was what pushed him to visit the peasants house and aid their destitute son. However he had already ended Coyito's life without knowing he'd done so, for if he had administered aid to Coyito when they were first at the doctors door, Kino would have no reason to seek his fortune in the ocean, and would not be led down the road to hardships. One might think that a doctor, one who has the image of being passive, and caring should not stoop to such a level. When one is down on their luck, chances are they will turn to superstition in hope to acquire what it is that they would want to achieve. A good example of this would be a good luck charm such as a rabbit's foot. In La Paz the peasants

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Abuse of power in Gullivers travels Essay -- Jonathan Swift, Literary A

Gulliver’s first voyage is to Lilliput. The ship that Gulliver travels on capsizes, and Gulliver finds himself on a strange unknown island. He falls asleep, and upon waking up, Gulliver finds himself surrounded and bound by numerous little people who come to be known as the Lilliputians. Gulliver describes the strange people who bound him as being â€Å"a human Creature not six inches high,† (Swift 17). Despite their small stature, the Lilliputians still abuse their power over Gulliver through tying him up. The Lilliputians bind Gulliver up as such: I lay all this while, as the Reader may believe, in great uneasiness:at length, struggling to get loose, I had the fortune to break the Strings, and wrench out the Pegs that fastened my left Arm to the Ground; for, by lifting it up to my Face, I discover’d the Methods they had taken to bind me; and, at the same time, with a violent Pull, which gave me excessive Pain, I a little loosened the Strings that tied down my Hair on the left Side, so that I was able to turn my Head about two Inches. (18) This passage is significant to the fact that while Gulliver is tremendously larger than the Lilliputians, he just lays where they have tied him up despite the fact that he could easily get out of his ‘constraints’. Lori Sue Goldstein says that, â€Å"In Gulliver's Travels, Swift enables us to see that we ... ... middle of paper ... ...hat people abuse the power that is given to them. The different voyages serve to display different lands with different types of cultures and peoples. In doing so, Gulliver’s Travels demonstrates that regardless of different cultures and societies, people everywhere will abuse the power given to them. Works Cited Ann, Cline Kelly. "GULLIVER AS PET AND PET KEEPER: TALKING ANIMALS IN BOOK 4." ELH 74.2 (2007): 32349. ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. Goldstein, Lori Sue. "Swift's Gulliver: A Question of Freedom of Slavery." Order No. 1344697 Florida Atlantic University, 1991. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 29 Nov. 2013. wPDF?accountid=14270 Jacobe, Monica F. "Society Cannot Be Flat: Hierarchy and Power in Gulliver's Travels." Nebula

Friday, October 18, 2019

Accounting Assumptions, Principles and Constrains Essay

Accounting Assumptions, Principles and Constrains - Essay Example n that assumes that the economic entity has a significant past and future for purposes of recording costs of assets and inventory and decision making based on those costs in the present. Additionally, there are the Monetary Unit assumptions that keeps score with money, but it typically ignores inflation and deflation of currencies; the value and unit of currency are understood to be firm; otherwise, there is transaction with global divisions that uses other currencies besides the U.S. Dollar. Finally there is an accounting Periods assumption that assumes that the periodical accounting periods is applicable and accountants can stop to analyze financial statements. Historical Costs (assets and liabilities) characteristically report on the chronological cost and then adjusted to fair market value when the needs of reporting require it. However, the cost of assets went up some years thereby did not reflect what it is worth to other buyers or the cost of replacement. (Riahi-Belkaoui, 2005).   Revenue Recognition is the recording of revenues when they are realized and earned. (Pratt, J. 2011). This is one of challenge that accrual-based accounting is trying to solve. Notably, receiving cash from a sales order doesn’t mean that everything has to earn the revenue especially when they are shipped. In other words, it is sometimes possible to sell goods or services without receiving cash. Therefore, Matching Expenses to Revenues means matching fixed cost of the revenues or recording profit in the income statement based on the best profit on revenues and expenses. This often leads to Full Disclosure where accountants record and report every bit of information in the numbers and footnotes of financial statements that fairly represent the activities of the business entity in that accounting period. This procedure is perfect; however, for decision-making it is expected to leave out or add things that are relevant to the decision being made. In most cases, Cost and Benefit is

Questions about Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questions about Managing People - Essay Example Secondly, by being in the ASEAN region culture plays a big role in terms of dictating how individuals behave. In this region, individuals are expected to think, act and live collectively as members of a family and or group. Those who do not are rejected by society. The dabbawalah organisation provides an environment within which the employees can satisfy both their existence needs and relatedness needs. The sense of belonging, affiliation and meaningful interpersonal relationships is as important as the physiological material needs in collectivist societies such as the Indian society. In the case Sapan Mare confirms this when he states that his family has been in the tiffin business for four generations. It is therefore likely that the tiffin-walahs are driven to increase their performance by the strong affiliation they have and the sense of ownership of the business. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory: Vroom’s expectancy theory states that motivational force is a combination of valence and expectancy. Valence is the anticipated satisfaction from an outcome whereas expectancy is a perception of the degree of probability that the choice of a particular action will actually lead to the desired outcome (Mullins 2010a). ... It could also be argued that there is some form of external pressure from either family or society for tiffin-walahs to join the trade. With these two arguments, and taking into consideration that the culture here is largely collectivist, it is possible to conceive that tiffin-walahs get satisfaction in joining the â€Å"ancestral† business. This high sense of ownership implies that their valence is high. Secondly the fact that they are also shareholders compels them to work harder thus increasing their expectancy. According to Vroom’s expectancy equation, combining the high valence and high expectancy equates to a high motivational force (Mullins 2010a). High motivational force makes the tiffin-walahs to increase their level of performance which results in the overall Six Sigma capabilities of the organisation. Herzberg’s two factor theory: Herzberg’s theory states that there are two sets of factors, hygiene and motivating factors, which affect motivati on and job satisfaction. Hygiene factors are extrinsic to the job and are concerned with the job environment. They prevent dissatisfaction. Motivation is largely affected by the other set of factors, motivators, which are related to the job content (Mullins 2010a). From the evaluation so far one can identify that the dabbawalah scores highly in term of extrinsic factors while its intrinsic factors are not as remarkable. Example of the dabbawalah service’s extrinsic factors include: a very sociable job, strong policies on discipline and offences and job security – â€Å"it lasts for as long as the member is strong enough to do the work (from Case Study)†. However, according to Herzberg’s theory, the factors we have listed above have no effect on satisfaction,

Hospitality Entrepreneurship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hospitality Entrepreneurship - Assignment Example The qualities and attributes are usually same in every entrepreneurial act as long as the focus is on the basics, however it differs when you proceed further into the operations, like the basics in every service based or small business entrepreneurship would be more or less same. The characteristics of Marriott were that he was having willingness to take risks and a desire to make his dreams come true, he possessed self-confidence and met the challenges that confront him, he believed a lot on his hard work and efforts rather than blaming his fate. Of course the rewards that he got for doing all that are quite visible. The other things that are attached with the Hospitality Entrepreneurship are Segmentation, Location (Depends on business type), Communication, Advertising and Sales Promotion, Finance Management and above all the Human resource employed. The segmentation is necessary in Hospit... If you are having a hospitality entrepreneurship the three things you have to worry about are Location, Location and Location, as you should facilitate the target audience with the facility of identifying you easily. The communication is another aspect of hospitality business, as the customers cannot expect you to do some other work than their work. The sales promotion is necessary in order to attract the old customers and also for the purpose of getting them back. You also need to take care about the finance, every thing should be operated within the allocated budget otherwise things would be sooner out of your hands and finally Human resources are the key in hospitality, as the customer wants you to be very frank and well mannered at the same time. So the initial mission of Marriott was to provide people with entertainment and a unique service which today has become so common, it would not be unfair to say that Marriott is the role model in brining innovation in the hospitality industry. "To develop successful innovation, a corporation should establish a conducive organizational climate. Traditional managers tend to adhere more strictly to establish hierarchical structures, to be less risk oriented, and to emphasize short terms results, all of which inhibit the creativity, flexibility, and risk required for new ventures. Organizations desiring an intrapreneurial climate need to encourage new ideas and experimental efforts, eliminating opportunity parameters, make resources available, promote a teamwork approach and voluntary intrapreneurship, and enlist top management's support." (Hisrich, M. Peters, D. Shepherd 54) The management of the external resources has turned these days extremely important, if this section would be

Thursday, October 17, 2019

See attachment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

See attachment - Essay Example H. L. , Goodall , S., Schiefelbein, J. 2010) . The article essentially seeks to establish a paradigm of behavior that can be attributed to the culturally homogeneous workers and then their response to the heterogeneous work place environment. While global communication processes in business environments have both a typology of characterization and cultural pluralism as pre-determinants, there is also a system of category constructs in an otherwise complex and dynamic situation mediated communication environments. Despite a lack of research in to information dissemination process and language as heuristics directly related to global business communication environments there is still a greater effort by serious researches to establish parameters of reference for meaningful category construct in dynamic culturally plural communication contexts. The article has invariably touched on how the workplace context determines almost virtual communication scenarios theoretical dimension apart the authors have delineated a host of cultural constructs including language and information as pre-determinants of an otherwise non cohesive and heterogeneous work environments. Despite this authors have persisted in constructing a more cohesive alternative approach to understanding work place dynamics in professional business communication processes. Their culture perspective is directly related to inter cultural communication as a dynamic relationship between and among fellow workers. The contextual influence and rational behavioral heuristics have not been ruled out by the authors either. In fact their argumentative posture on â€Å"culture-in-context† is supported by a number of other influential writers as a paradigm of professional communication in the work place context, though many such writers do not necessarily subscribe to t he idea of endogenous cultural influences riding roughshod over facilitative

What are the main data collection techniques to elicit requirements Is Essay

What are the main data collection techniques to elicit requirements Is one better than another What is the preferred method - Essay Example Basically, there are two types of interview: structured and unstructured interview based data collection methods. We can extract a lot of useful data through such interviews. We can use this technique to discover people’s opinions, feelings, objectives and hard facts. However, there are certain limitations of this method, for example a large amount of qualitative data can be hard to analyze and it is extremely difficult to compare diverse respondents (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This is a significant data collection technique to elicit requirements. This method allows us to collect data and information quickly a large number of people. Here we are able to easily manage this process remotely. This can also offer a great deal of support for collecting data about beliefs, attitudes and characteristics. However, there are also certain problems with this method like that its simplistic (presupposed) categories offer a very small background. Here we also have no room for users to communicate their real requirements (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This data collection technique to elicit requirements is used for summarization as well as feedback. Here we are able to discuss the outcome of the data collection stage. This method also allows us to extract a set of requirements. We can use this data collection technique as a significant management tool. However, the scope of this technique is very limited (depends on the discussion) (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This data collection technique to elicit requirements is based on the brainstorming and project team. This technique allows us to make use of more natural communication between people as compared to a formal interview. In this scenario, we are able to measure reaction to motivation materials (for example: storyboards, mock-ups, etc.). This method has also some disadvantages for instance it is can create unnatural

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hospitality Entrepreneurship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hospitality Entrepreneurship - Assignment Example The qualities and attributes are usually same in every entrepreneurial act as long as the focus is on the basics, however it differs when you proceed further into the operations, like the basics in every service based or small business entrepreneurship would be more or less same. The characteristics of Marriott were that he was having willingness to take risks and a desire to make his dreams come true, he possessed self-confidence and met the challenges that confront him, he believed a lot on his hard work and efforts rather than blaming his fate. Of course the rewards that he got for doing all that are quite visible. The other things that are attached with the Hospitality Entrepreneurship are Segmentation, Location (Depends on business type), Communication, Advertising and Sales Promotion, Finance Management and above all the Human resource employed. The segmentation is necessary in Hospit... If you are having a hospitality entrepreneurship the three things you have to worry about are Location, Location and Location, as you should facilitate the target audience with the facility of identifying you easily. The communication is another aspect of hospitality business, as the customers cannot expect you to do some other work than their work. The sales promotion is necessary in order to attract the old customers and also for the purpose of getting them back. You also need to take care about the finance, every thing should be operated within the allocated budget otherwise things would be sooner out of your hands and finally Human resources are the key in hospitality, as the customer wants you to be very frank and well mannered at the same time. So the initial mission of Marriott was to provide people with entertainment and a unique service which today has become so common, it would not be unfair to say that Marriott is the role model in brining innovation in the hospitality industry. "To develop successful innovation, a corporation should establish a conducive organizational climate. Traditional managers tend to adhere more strictly to establish hierarchical structures, to be less risk oriented, and to emphasize short terms results, all of which inhibit the creativity, flexibility, and risk required for new ventures. Organizations desiring an intrapreneurial climate need to encourage new ideas and experimental efforts, eliminating opportunity parameters, make resources available, promote a teamwork approach and voluntary intrapreneurship, and enlist top management's support." (Hisrich, M. Peters, D. Shepherd 54) The management of the external resources has turned these days extremely important, if this section would be

What are the main data collection techniques to elicit requirements Is Essay

What are the main data collection techniques to elicit requirements Is one better than another What is the preferred method - Essay Example Basically, there are two types of interview: structured and unstructured interview based data collection methods. We can extract a lot of useful data through such interviews. We can use this technique to discover people’s opinions, feelings, objectives and hard facts. However, there are certain limitations of this method, for example a large amount of qualitative data can be hard to analyze and it is extremely difficult to compare diverse respondents (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This is a significant data collection technique to elicit requirements. This method allows us to collect data and information quickly a large number of people. Here we are able to easily manage this process remotely. This can also offer a great deal of support for collecting data about beliefs, attitudes and characteristics. However, there are also certain problems with this method like that its simplistic (presupposed) categories offer a very small background. Here we also have no room for users to communicate their real requirements (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This data collection technique to elicit requirements is used for summarization as well as feedback. Here we are able to discuss the outcome of the data collection stage. This method also allows us to extract a set of requirements. We can use this data collection technique as a significant management tool. However, the scope of this technique is very limited (depends on the discussion) (Fisher & Foreit, 2002; Summerhill & Taylor, 1992). This data collection technique to elicit requirements is based on the brainstorming and project team. This technique allows us to make use of more natural communication between people as compared to a formal interview. In this scenario, we are able to measure reaction to motivation materials (for example: storyboards, mock-ups, etc.). This method has also some disadvantages for instance it is can create unnatural

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Becoming a Teacher Essay Example for Free

Becoming a Teacher Essay Never has it crossed my mind’s eye to become a teacher. I would choose any other field or career except it. In fact, after my high schooling, I was so undecided of what course to take, of which way to go as if I was in the crossroad Robert Frost is pertaining to in his poem, â€Å"The Road Not Taken†. I was definitely certain I never wanted to be one; I would not get myself involved with it, not even in my wildest dream! But, should I say fortunately or unfortunately, because my relatives who are educators said I must be like them, and that I should follow their steps. According to them, there was no better profession for me other than teaching. Woe to me! My life seemed to be driven by my family’s beliefs. I had to obey. I had no choice. So I had a plan. I would go against the current, regardless of my kin. They would be the ones to provide for my allowance and miscellaneous fee. I was by then a scholar, a grant my relative also worked out. At first, I was just planning to finish the first semester and then I would shift to another course but I never had the chance because they didn’t allow me to. I finished the degree with recognition though I never really liked it. For me, it’s better than not having a degree at all. After graduation, I took the examination not because of the excitement to be a â€Å"professional teacher† but because it is the expectation from all the education graduates. I was so blessed to pass it at once. I had my license but I still got no plan to teach. I was working as a cashier in a gasoline station while my classmates were already teaching as PARA teachers. Whenever they see me, they would always ask when I plan to apply for ranking. I would only smile and say â€Å"I’m waiting for the right time.† Yet, at the back of my mind, was the fear of handling the obligation. Yes, I fear the responsibility of they say the noblest profession. I’ve seen it from m y auntie. She was coming home late in the afternoon. She was staying up late at night because of lesson plan and some paper works to be done. I didn’t want to experience the same. Those were the reasons why I never wanted the course. But, I was reprimanded. That was the only time I was moved. I decided to process my application. So happy I was, because I topped the ranking and was immediately hired as a regular-permanent by the government, and I was summoned to practice my teaching craft and skills at Sotero Baluyot Elementary School. Teaching there was never easy for me. I had to travel for a couple of hours to come to school so I get home only during weekends. It was the first time I left home for days and to think that it would be for years, I felt even sadder. I did the works at my best though. I have to like it I know. I became friends to the parents and to the students and I started to love the job. There, I had a student who was visually impaired. Her classmates used to tease her â€Å"bardo† which is an Ilocano term for â€Å"duling†. Because of that, she became a true loner. She rarely participated in class discussion though I’ve seen a real potential in her. I said to myself I had to help her. I trained her to join the quiz bee. She got second place in the district level and became one of the participants in the division level. After that event, she became active in our class. Her classmates started to befriend her. Other teachers begun to notice her and became one of the best in their subjects. Pupils never tease her again. In the graduation day, she was an awardee. After the ceremony she and her mother came and thanked me. I had two more graduations when I decided to apply for transfer to my home base. Luckily, it was granted quickly. When the parents and the students knew that I would be leaving soon they approached me and asked if I could stay for some more years. Though they know that somebody was coming as my replacement, they say they would always prefer me. I was happy for their sincerity. I wanted to stay but my parents want me to be with them too. That night, was the only time I felt I AM A PROFESSIONAL TEACHER. Thoughts came back to my mind. The moments with the parents†¦The experiences with the children..happiness..struggles..Somehow I made a difference in them and I know I am a professional. Yes! I have become a mother to lonely children, a doctor to those ill, a guidance counsellor to the erring pupils and a very jolly peer but , I am a professional teacher. I shape the lives of the young and impressionable children, inculcate values in them. I practice differentiated teaching styles so that students are learning best. I setup and design classroom to get and keep learners’ attention. I control emotions in most stressful situations. I am accountable to teaching profession, to the pupils, my co-workers and the society. I have never dreamt of this path but with this responsibility comes great pride and joy because I am a teacher..a professional teacher.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Responsibility for Healthcare Between Society and the Family

Responsibility for Healthcare Between Society and the Family The balance of responsibility for healthcare between society and the family societal versus family responsibilities â€Å"Responsibility for health: personal, social, and environmental† INTRODUCTION: The Family is the basic or functional unit of a society. In making healthcare policy society and family plays a great part in implementation. Responsibility starts within each member of the family with the proper guidance of parents. Preventive efforts regarding healthcare issues must be practice by parents. A good example of which is by teaching their children at the very early age the three basic food groups (go, grow and glow) and proper hand washing, in such a way that each child will be guided accordingly regarding the proper diet to prevent illness and diseases. As a child goes to school he/she becomes a member of the society, a good practice of healthcare can be shared between peers. As they grow much older this good practice and views regarding healthcare becomes more profound and evident they becomes more responsible towards health and to the society. In my personal point of view responsibility for health is as basic as food, taking good care of one self is the fundamental r esponsibility an individual in becoming a better member of a society. The society has the responsibility of providing proper health services to the family and to a certain individual. An example of which is a good access in healthcare insurances, Equality in healthcare services on all facilities in government and private alike. The right for information regarding laws, provisions and policies should be properly disseminated. Access to rural or community health involving different business, healthcare, and transport sectors to address any healthcare issues. One of the most important obligations of society is ensuring that each and every one has access to health care. This has been the main focus of health care policies all over the world. While this has been the most important, it is also vital that societies promote health in many other ways. Society plays a great role in making sure that everyone has access to optimal health care and there are a lot of means by which this will be successful. One very common and effective way is by means of education and training. By means of education, people may be able to know more about ways on how to promote health and how to prevent certain diseases. Education is an effective tool to spread out information not just about the social issues but more importantly, about health. Through education, we may be able to enlighten people about the most important health issues that we have now. Some of these issues include sanitation, pollution, food and drug safety and disease prevention. Much attention should be focused on ways on how to promote health besides access to health care. These include environment and public health and health research. In today’s modern age, there are numerous technological advances which affect our daily living. Whether we like to admit it or not, our lives are easier now because of these technological advances. They help us get to places faster and aid us with everyday activities so that we may be able to do them with more ease but as they say, there is always downside to everything. These advances may be the reason why there are several people who are becoming lazier when it comes to doing chores at home or at work. People nowadays tend to depend largely on technology to do simple things which they can do themselves. Simple things like walking when going to nearby places or picking something up from a store. Lifestyle plays a huge role in some of the most fatal illnesses that exist now. According to Ralph Neas the total expenditures on health care in the United States represented 17 percent of the gross national product in 2010 and are projected to reach 20 percent by the end of this decade. The United States spends 141 percent more on health care than other economically advanced nations; furthermore, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, although smoking has declined steadily there since the 1960s, smoking- related medical expenses are still about US$75.5 billion per year. Obesity, which has been climbing in the past two decades, accounts for about US$75 billion in healthcare costs there each year, moreover, alcoholism and drug addiction in the USA account for annual healthcare costs of about US$22.5 billion and US$12 billion, respectively. Federal government spending on healthcare relating to HIV/AIDS is over US$13 billion per year. This goes to show that health educ ation is important and that people needs to be informed thoroughly on how to improve health and prevent diseases from spreading. It is also sensible to allot sufficient budget on health research and find means on how to prevent and if possible, to completely eradicate such diseases. The balance of responsibility for healthcare between society and the family societal versus family responsibilities encompasses different aspects in healthcare. It needs the involvement of all stakeholders. A families views and attitudes towards healthcare has a great impact in a society. A good example is in the Philippines, the Department of social welfare and development (DSWD) together with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and some None-Government organization groups Spear headed a program/Scheme Pantawid Pamilyang Pangkabuhayan or( 4Ps). The main purposes of the program is Hunger Mitigation, Prevention of Maternal and infant deaths by giving financial assistance to the families under poverty line with conditionality’s. The conditions: Pregnant Household Member/s should visit their local health center to avail of pre- and post-natal care starting from the first trimester of pregnancy. Children 0-5 Years Old members of the household who are 0–5 years old shall visit the health center and avail of Immunization/vaccination, weight monitoring, and management of childhood disease. Children aged 6–14 years old should receive deworming pills twice a year Education conditionalities. Children aged 3–5 years old enrolled in Day Care Program or pre-school program and maintain a class attendance rate of at least 85% per month (still subject to evaluation/study). Children aged 6–14 years old enrolled in elementary and secondary schools and maintain a class attendance rate of at least 85% per month. Other conditionalities. Parents should attend Family Development Sessions at least once a month. Participate in community activities to promote and strengthen the implementation of the program. The first task is to identify the families who will be eligible and be the beneficiary of the program by doing surveys in the rural areas. First they disseminate the information from national down to local government units, barangays and families. After which they inform and award the families legible for the said program. Together with the Department of Health Philippines and Department of Education they create programs. The DOH launches the Immunization program visiting families house to house and immunizing children 8y/o and below. Each family also receives financial assistance. According to WHO 1992, healthcare issues regarding the environment addresses all the physical, chemical, and biological factors external to a person, and all the related factors impacting behaviours. It encompasses the assessment and control of those environmental factors that can potentially affect health. It is targeted towards preventing disease and creating health-supportive environments. This definition excludes behaviour not related to environment, as well as behaviour related to the social and cultural environment, and genetics. While it is sensible to place sole responsibility to an individual to take care of their health, there are several objections to it as well. One argument is that it is unfair to hold someone completely responsible for their own health especially if that person does not have a sound mind or is under the influence of drugs. Another is that it would be exceedingly difficult to implement a system that holds individuals responsible for their own health, since diseases and disabilities result from a complex interaction of genetic and environmental factors. Although it is completely rational that an individual must be able to maintain their health, the responsibility should not be placed solely on them. Whichever the case may be, the society must always help promote health and prevent illness. Although access to health care is extremely vital, society should also focus on creating means on how to promote health. They say, prevention is better than cure and it is true in so many ways. Preven tion is more cost-effective and is more medically efficacious rather than finding means of treatment. For instance, it is more cost-effective to prevent certain serious illness rather than undergoing surgery or chemotherapy in the long run. The government should be able to provide its people their needs and with regards to health care, this includes monitoring of disease, urban planning and should be able to guarantee food and drug safety. Family on the other hand, is considered to be the basic unit of a community and is therefore a great factor in an individual’s attempt to health promotion and disease prevention. It is through family that a person first learns everything which is why family greatly affects the choices made by an individual. Most often than not, a person confides with a family member in decision making may it be with finances, work related problems and health issues as well. If a person is unable to decide, a family member, usually the elder or the head of the family steps in to make the decision for them. For instance, in New Zealand, since there are numerous rest homes, it is the obligation of the family or one of the family members to decide what is best for their loved ones who are residing at these rest homes especially if their loved ones cannot decide for themselves or is not able to comprehend some of the information given to them. CONCLUSION: Health care access is one of the most important factors to consider in terms of societal issues with regards to health care but it is also with utmost importance that the society is able to promote health through education and research as well. Much importance should be placed not just on health care access but more so on strategies for health promotion especially on environmental and public health and health research. Government action is also vital and should be able to provide the needs of its people especially if it’s already out of their control like monitoring of disease and urban planning. Family is the basic unit of community and is considered to be the basis of one’s decision with just about anything. May it be financial or health issues, families play a huge role in an individual’s choice. REFERENCE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Smoking costs nation $150 billion each year in health costs, lost productivity. Press Release. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Obesity costs states billions in medical expenses. Press Release. Retrieved from Resnik D.B. July 2006. Responsibility for Health: Personal, Social and Environmental. J Med Ethics. Aug 2007; 33(8): 444–445. Retrieved from Neas, Ralph. (May 2011). Our Ailing Health. Politico. Retrieved from World Health Organisation. (1992). Environmental Healthcare. Retrieved from World Health Organisation. (1999). Population Issues. Retrieved from Department of Social Welfare and Development. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

living multi personality disorder Essay -- essays research papers fc

Works Cited 1. M. Keenan, "The Devil and Dr. Braun," New City article, 1995-JUN-22: Mentioned in FMS Foundation Newsletter, at: 2. The International Society for the Study of Dissociation has a web site at: Its official publication is the Journal of Trauma and Dissociation. See: There are allegations that the ISSD controls the content of the The Journal of Psychiatry & Law (JPSLA). These are not to be mistaken for the The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law or International Journal of Law and Psychiatry." 3. Psychology, Myers in Modules, Sixth Edition, David G. Myers. Hope College Holland, Michigan. (2001) Living with Multi Personality Disorder After watching the movie â€Å"Sybil† a couple of times, I was able to grasp a better understanding of what a person who suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder goes through. In my Abnormal Psychology class we touched basis on what Multiple Personality Disorder is and what signs to look for, but â€Å"Sybil† gave me a vivid idea of how someone lives on a day to day basis with this disorder. This movie also allowed me to see how a clinical psychologist performs an initial assessment which is also part of my abnormal psychology class. This movie â€Å"Sybil† made it very clear that Sybil suffered from MPD. Multiple Personality Disorder also called Disassociative Identity disorder can be defined as a rare disassociative disorder in which a person exhibits two or more distinct and altering personalities. (Myers, 564) Sybil was in her mid twenties when the problems from her disorder begin to take a huge toll on her. She was emotionally, physically and sexually abused by her mother during her childhood. Somehow Sybil pushed away all of those memories of her childhood into another place. This back fired on her because she later developed MPD. Luckily, Sybil came across a doctor who noticed little things when some routine tests were performed. She then decided to perform an assessment. An assessment in Psychological terms can be defined as the collecting of relevant information in an effort to reach a conclusion and also to determine how and why a person is... ... that person’s life and can come and go at any given moment. This is why it is necessary to have the medical treatment and help of a committed doctor so that that person can be most successful at becoming healthy. This disorder is unfortunate and very difficult to carry on a normal â€Å"everyday† life style. Sybil was in and out of work little things such as, noises would bring her disorder out. She was unable to maintain a teaching position which was what she had always wanted to do until she had learned about her disorder and figured out how to cope with it thanks to the seven years of treatment that her doctor devoted to her. Sybil was a great example of Multiple Personality Disorder or Disassociative Identity Disorder. Watching this movie not only gave me a better understanding of what this disorder is but how difficult ones life must be for the person who suffers from it. I can only hope that more doctors will be as helpful and dedicated as Sybil’s doctor in the movie. According to my abnormal Psychology class and the movie â€Å"Sybil† I learned that by understanding and knowing a patient’s disorder that is the first step to treating and helping them.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Macromedia Director :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework

Macromedia Director Overview and Introduction What Macromedia is and what can it do for a business. Macromedia Director is the premiere authoring software in the multimedia industry, allowing users to merge and orchestrate text, graphics, animation, video, sound effects, and music into business presentations, entertainment and education CD-ROMs, interactive information kiosks, and other full-featured interactive software. Multimedia-rich programs can be developed with little programming skill. ( It supports different types file formats and you can combine images (BMP and PIC), sound (WAV), animation (GIF), text (RTF), and video content (FLC and FLI) into a single file and then export it in a variety of file types, including AVI and Shockwave. ( Macromedia Director features a high-quality playback engine; visual effects, such as alpha channels, rotation, and skewing; support for vector illustrations; a scriptable programming language entitled Lingo; and much more. ( Macromedia Director 6.5 lets you produce business presentations that sparkle with flavour, without giving you a scripting headache when you make them. Its goal is still to help novices quickly create multimedia animations, while letting advanced users produce eye-popping designs. At the heart of Director 6.5 is its Stage interface; you create interactive designs by dragging Cast Members--such as images and sounds--onto Scores, or series of frames in an animation. But Director 6.5 brings much more power to this virtual set. It's loaded with handy tools, and it works with all your favourite programs. To jazz up a PowerPoint file, simply import your slides into Director, and they're placed on a Score. Here, they're ready for sound, animation, and anything you want to add. (Jeff Walsh, 1998 v20 n20 p37(1) InfoWorld) Director 6.5 offers full Flash support, which makes it easy import and manipulate vector animations. There's also enhanced Windows support for QuickTime 3.0, allowing snappy digital video. What type of visual media will it let user incorporate? Macromedia Director allows many different types of visual media to be incorporated. I will explore four types of media and its capabilities and limitations Director provides.(Andre Persidsky 97 – Director 6.5) The four types are: Text Animation Bitmaps and Vector grathics Text Director supports three different types of text that you can incorporate in your movies. These are bitmapped text, Rich text and field. Each type has it advantages. A summary has been given below. Rich text (or otherwise known as simple text) is created using Directors text window, or with the text tool found on in the Tool palette. Of the three types, Rich text has the most extensive formatting controls.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Study Guide History 17b

History 17B-13 Second Midterm Study Guide This exam (November 1) will be closed book and closed note. Please bring a small bluebook or greenbook, a Scantron form #882E, #2 pencils, and pens. You will need to use pencils for the Scantron form and pens for the blue/greenbook. If you must write in pencil in the blue/greenbook, make sure it is dark and sharp enough to be read clearly. I will not allow any electronic devises to be visible during the exam.If I see one out in the classroom, you will flunk the exam. I strongly prefer that no one leave the room while they are still taking the exam. If you must, you will need to ask permission. Once you have completed the exam, turn it in and you may leave. Part I (50 points) In this section of the exam you will be given twenty-five true/false and multiple-choice questions based on the lectures only. These will only cover lectures SINCE the first midterm. Each answer is worth two points. Part II (50 points)In this section of the exam you will be given two of the following questions on the day of the exam and asked to write on only one of them. Your essay should be well developed, with an introduction that contains a precise thesis statement, an essay body that proves that thesis, and a conclusion that summarizes your argument and points out its historical significance. I expect the essays to be based on the lecture material. 1. The home front period of World War I and the year following the war (1917-1919) was marked by wide-scale patriotism, mass unity, and relative peace and calm.Write an essay that explores if and why the historical evidence supports or refutes that statement. 2. Many Americans in the mid-1920s could not have imagined in the near future an end to the economic prosperity, Republican dominance of national politics, and cultural conflict. Describe why they would have thought that why (that is, what were the 1920s like for each of these issues), how these issues were already changing prior to the Great De pression, and how and why the Great Depression fundamentally changed them. . After briefly describing how and why the Great Depression affected the United States, discuss how both Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt dealt with the Depression. Which approach proved more popular and effective and why. 4. Write an essay that addresses what the New Deal sought to accomplish. You will want to discuss what it broadly sought to do, and particularly how it addressed issues such as housing, workers, the elderly, and electrification. What is its legacy? . Why did the United States become involved in World War II? You will want to discuss both the issues drawing the United States into the European conflict and how it became involved with Japan in the Pacific. How did both the European and Pacific wars come to an end? Reading Quiz Attached to the exam will be a reading quiz, covering Beals through page 154. There will be twelve, multiple-choice and true/false questions. Answer them on the back of t he Scantron form.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Changing pattern of agriculture in Bangladesh Essay

Change in the contribution of GDP The major change in the agricultural field is the contribution in the National GDP which is decreasing year by year. Like the GDP Growth rate of the agriculture sector is descending. Financial Year Contribution of Agriculture 1991-92 28. 70 1992-93 28. 21 1993-94 27. 30 1994-95 26. 02 1995-96 25. 68 1996-97 25. 87 1997-98 25. 34 1998-99 25. 28 1999-00 25. 58 2000-01 25. 02 2001-02 23. 98 2002-03 23. 47 2003-04 23. 08 2004-05* 21. 91 Fig 1: Contribution of Agriculture in GDP Contribution of Sub sector in GDP. As agriculture is consist of all the sub-sectors which are – crops, forestry, livestock and the fisheries. Like the total amount, percentage of the sub- sectors is also declining for contributing in the GDP. In Percent FY 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 Sub-Sectors CROP 15. 03 15. 21 14. 59 14. 33 14. 59 14. 70 13. 75 13. 43 13. 23 12. 51 12. 19 Live Stock 3. 36 3. 27 3. 19 3. 12 3. 02 2. 95 2. 96 2. 93 2. 91 2. 95 2. 93 Forestry 1. 93 1. 91 1. 89 1. 90 1. 88 1. 87 1. 88 1. 86 1. 83 1. 82 1. 79 Fisheries 5. 36 5. 48 5. 67 5. 93 6. 09 5. 51 5. 40 5. 25 5. 11 5. 00 4. 86 Use of chemical Fertilizer. The use of fertilizer has been increasing for agricultural production. In the FY 1994-95 the total quantity of fertilizer use was 26. 41 lakh metric tons which increased to 37. 55 lakh metric tons in the FY 2004-05. The use of Urea fertilizer alone was 17. 48 lakh metric tons in FY 1994-95 which increased to 25. 23 lakh metric ton in FY 2004-05. The percentage increase in Urea use in FY 2004-05 is 59. 78% i. e. 9. 44 lakh metric to compared to that of FY 1993-94. This is attainable to increase the irrigated areas and diversified use of Urea. On the other hand the use of phosphates Fertilizer such as TSP, DAP and SSP increased by 42. 16 percent in FY 2004-05 compared to that of 1994-95. Since 1995-96 Urea super/ mega granules are being manufactured and marketed through private sector. This has resulted in reduction of the Urea saving of 30to 35% of Urea and increase in yield together with creation of employment opportunity in the rural areas. The number of machines for manufacturing Urea super granules has gradually increased since 1996-97. Super/ mega granules are also being used in other Rabi Crops. Besides use of different types of mixed fertilizer is being encouraged for balanced use of fertilizer. TSP complex in Chittagong has started production and marketing of NPKS fertilizer on experimental basis. Some factors in the private sector have started production and marketing NPKS. Import of NPKS is also being encouraged under private sector. mport of DAP, TSP,NPKS and potash with more nutrient contents instead of low nutrient content SSP fertilizer is being encouraged and farmers are also being motivated to use such fertilizer, steps are being taken to enforce fertilizer marketing of low quality fertilizer, steps are being taken to enforce Fertilizer Control Order, 1999. Post- landing inspection has been strengthened in the case of imported fertilizer in the private sector. Besides manuals for fertilizer inspection and fertilizer analysis have also been prepared. In Bangladesh chemical fertilizer has been used for a long time. The census of use of fertilizer in Bangladesh of different years are given in the next page- Use of Chemical Fertilizer Type 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-2000 2000-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 Urea 1579. 0 1748. 5 2045. 5 2141. 0 1867. 0 1902. 0 2151. 0 2121. 0 2247. 42 2239. 0 2324. 08 2523. 39 TSP 234. 2 122. 9 111. 1 72. 6 62. 4 170. 2 259. 3 399. 5 425. 31 405. 0 361. 0 420. 02 DAP 28. 7 1. 8 0 0 6. 8 38. 6 109. 2 90. 1 127. 03 112. 0 90. 0 140. 72 MP 103. 9 154. 2 155. 9 219. 3 193. 5 210. 8 239. 5 139. 8 222. 26 250. 0 240. 0 260. 38 SSP 170. 6 533. 5 596. 9 525. 3 473. 3 362. 4 237. 2 138. 6 127. 13 130. 0 148. 0 170. 93 NPKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10. 2 12. 87 30. 0 45. 0 90. 0 AS 10. 0 2. 5 8. 7 11. 7 9. 7 12. 4 26. 0 13. 0 20. 19 10. 0 9. 0 5. 59 Zinc 5. 2 0 1. 0 1. 2 0. 7 0. 3 1. 2 3. 0 0. 24 2. 0 7. 0 8. 0 Gypsum 86. 1 77. 2 103. 6 86. 6 113. 4 128. 2 189. 4 102. 3 96. 05 120. 0 140. 0 135. 70 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Change in Agri-Financing During the two decades the system of agri financing has changed hugely. Now a day a huge part of agri finance came from the government Bank and other banks. There are a number of NGO to help the farmers with short term loan. Khudra Rin Prokolpo of Grameen Bank plays a very important role in changing this financing system. Before most of the agri finance was came from the Rich villagers who are generally known as Jamindars. But that loan was not enough helpful. Because the farmers have to pay a huge amount of money as interest of that loan and by giving back that loan and interest the farmers again reached at the point of taking loan again. Financial Years Target Disbursement Recovery Balance 1992-93 1474. 41 841. 85 869. 23 5692. 84 1993-94 1643. 08/ 1100. 79 979. 12 6222. 00 1994-95 2161. 72 1605. 44 1124. 11 7045. 22 1995-96 2434. 27 1635. 81 1340. 02 7769. 07 1996-97 2394. 22 1672. 43 1646. 38 8256. 00 1997-98 2525. 83 1814. 53 1779. 29 8515. 04 1998-99 3270. 01 3245. 36 2039. 65 9702. 51 1999-2000 3331. 00 2851. 29 2996. 29 10648. 90 2001-02 3265. 92 3019. 67 2877. 87 11137. 26 2002-03 3560. 53 3278. 37 3516. 31 11913. 35 2003-04 4388. 94 4048. 41 3135. 32 12705. 95 2004-05 5537. 91 4956. 78 3171. 15 14408. 94 Change in Employment Generation The economy of Bangladesh is based on agriculture, natural gas, and small industries of jute, textiles, garments, tea, cement, chemical fertilizers, sugar and light engineering. The contribution of agriculture to the country’s GDP is about 23 percent while crops account for 13 percent. Agriculture employs 64 percent of labor force in the country. Agriculture is also the largest employer of women. In 1995-96, 79 percent of the total number of employed women (15 years or older) worked in agriculture. Rice and other cereals occupies nearly 80 percent of total crop land giving a production of food grains of more than 26 million tons in 2001 from a net cropped area of more than 10 million hectares. Agricultural products account for about 25% of total export value. Bangladesh has the largest number of NGO activities in the world. There are more then 2000 NGOs operating in Bangladesh, many of them are associated with agricultural mechanization and food processing. The NGOs are promoting agribusiness in providing technical backup, micro credit and managerial skill. Some other NGOs are also initiating post harvest and food processing programs for rural women. The rate of population growth has brought down to 1. 48 percent; the supply of labor force continues to increase at over 3 percent per annum without further access to land for agriculture. Agriculture is presently and will remain the largest employer of labor in years to come. The national aim would be to increase GDP growth to more than 7 percent (presently 5. 33 percent) on average during the next decades.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Hiv / Aids And Discrimination Essay -- AIDS, HIV, Immunodeficiency, Tube

5/3/16 English Professor HIV/AIDS and Discrimination Today AIDS still affects both men and women, predominantly African American women. AIDS was originated in Africa. As of today people can live with AIDS as opposed to years before they had the proper medication to treat AIDS, but keep in mind their is still no cure as of yet. It has been a worldwide disease that federal officials and associations tried to make up laws and ways to prevent the transmission of AIDS. According to HIV/AIDS website, HIV is a virus that attacks cells in body’s immune system. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. The transmission of HIV can be transmitted through sexual intercourse both anal and vaginal sex without using a condom. Also another way to transmit HIV is by sharing needles for drugs or any use of injections in the blood. Unlike some viruses HIV cannot be rid of, you have it for life. Untreated HIV can result to the disease of AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency disease). According to the World Health Organization (WHO) there are app roximately 36.9 million people worldwide who are living with AIDS at the end 2014. The disease AIDS has caused the federal government, along with the Olympic Organization, and Sport Organizations change the antidiscrimination laws. The changes have resulted in the creation of the American Disability Act, Rehabilitation Act applying to athletes, and providing education programs. The athletes Earwin â€Å"Magic† Johnson, Tommy Morrison, and Greg Louganis. These athletes are HIV positive and faced discrimination because of the disease. After Magic’s announcement that he was HIV, the discussion was if he would continue to play basketball. Fellow basketball players discussed ... ... middle of paper ... an AIDS specialist come to educate and provide training for the teams. In some of the professional leagues a rookie is required to attend an orientation, that discusses financial management, handling the media, and HIV/AIDS. Magic Johnson helps to end discrimination amongst athletes and spokesman of AIDS prevention. Therefore, players that are being educated of HIV/ AIDS will understand the precautions of transmission and the knowledge will be taken throughout their careers. In conclusion, there should be no discrimination against athletes who are HIV/AIDS infected. Athletes who are infected are capable to participate in competitions, but will always be risk of transmission, although it 's possible to keep the risk very small for the other athletes who are not infected. The laws that were created to protect every individual to avoid being turned away by anyone.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Essay #4 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

#4 - Essay Example It was a chilly morning and mom had woken me up early as usual to get ready for school. Just like any other ordinary day, I dreaded school and literally dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I was no special kid, I disliked the early mornings and the thought of seeing my class teacher for the umpteenth time did not make my mornings any better. I came from an ordinary family with both my parents working the usual 9 AM to 5 PM jobs. We were not well off and neither of my parents owned a car. I got used to walking to school every morning on the long lonely stretch from our house. On certain lucky mornings, I would bump into other children going to school and I would have someone to keep me company. On this particular morning, the turn of events was pretty much the usual and after a hearty breakfast, I bid my parents goodbye and embarked on my long walk to school. As usual I was alone on that lonely stretch that passed through a series of abandoned buildings that were yet to be demolished. This morning turned out to be somewhat different when I heard loud voices shouting from one of the buildings. Curiosity got the better of me and I went to see what was happening despite several warnings from my mother to keep off those abandoned buildings. I got there just in time to witness a man being gunned down by two me who were in suits. I was petrified and as I turned to run, one of the men saw me and came after me. I was scared and I hid in one of the old kitchen lockers where I used to play before my mother restricted me from playing in the abandoned houses. I shook with fear and when I could hear no more voices, I crept out and ran all the way to school shaken to the core. As a child, I knew I had seen someone being shot and he fell to the ground but I did not actually feel the weight of the matter. I had only seen such incidences in the movies I watched. As much as I was scared it did not occur to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sony Playstation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sony Playstation - Essay Example â€Å"The Playstation was released in 1994 and enjoyed great success, mainly because of the company's strong financial back enabling it to market the PS widely and its ability to get hundreds of developers to license games for the console† (Sony Playstation n.d., para. 3). Sony Playstation turned out to be an instant success, and Sony offers a large variety of games obtainable with it. At the same time, as a beginner to the gaming manufacturing, Sony was, and still is, a customer electronics giant. The study here includes branding and competitor analysis of Sony Playstation. The PlayStation 2 version made by Sony also has online gaming abilities to engage any player personal across the earth with the help of a cable adapter attached to the back of the PS2, which connects an Ethernet port for the console to attach to the Online Community that every software game can access. â€Å"Before the release of the PlayStation, Sony had never held a large portion of the videogames marke t. It had made a few forays into the computer side of things, most notably in its involvement with the failed MSX chip in the early 80's, but it wasn't until the advent of CD-ROM technology that Sony could claim any market share† (History of the Playstation 1998). ... If you can create effective branding, then it can make your business appear to be much bigger than it really is† (What is Branding? 2009). Sony PlayStation is presently in transition phase. PlayStation 3 and PSP had faced some tough time. The playstation is considered as market leader in the entertainment category, the various kind of the features that are inbuilt in the playstation are the gaming, playstation network, multimedia support, connectivity and the various updates in the software. It can be played also online, The multi media game platform doesn’t look good on the PS3, The Sony playstation has many of the studios under the own clutches, and they add on more of the software and the hardware updates for the playstation.The name sony playstation provide gives much happiness and chill to people, the CD-swallowing monster and the multitap have added much as the catalyst to the branding and promotion. â€Å"The company's future relies on the PlayStation 3 and the t echnology that comprises it. Originally slated to launch spring 2006, the PlayStation 3 release was delayed until November because its two most exciting pieces of technology weren't ready -- the Cell processor chip and the Blu-ray drive† (Ohannessian 2006). Sony has the brand identification and advertising ability to generate new product group and revive full-grown ones. We can grant the example of its Walkman brand. â€Å"Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is predicting brisk sales, even though the launch may have missed some holiday shoppers. A successful debut would help the company offset the rest of its struggling business. Sony projects a loss of more than $1 billion for the fiscal year through March 2012, which would be its fourth straight annual

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Dynamics involved in gay and lesbian intimate partner abuse Essay

Dynamics involved in gay and lesbian intimate partner abuse - Essay Example The literature points out that the frequency of domestic violence in same-sex relationships has been equal to that in heterosexual relationships a hypothesis that stands a chance of being proven right or wrong. Domestic violence in same-sex relationships is in relation to same-gender relationships. Historically, the failure to evaluate the violence involved within same-sex relationships has been due to social stigma, discrimination, homophobia and gender based myths among other issues (Lundry and Leventhal, 1999). These issues provided a barrier which stops such incidences from being reported. It is so unfortunate how partners in these relationships have been suffering in silence due to the society’s ignorance. There are quite a number of issues which influence the response to domestic violence within a same sex relationship. These issues act as barriers in the way of reporting such incidences to the relevant authority such as the police. The first issue is the wall of silence. A common observation is that silence surrounds issues of domestic violence. People prefer to ignore rather than talk about the incidences. Bigne and Wetchler (2004) reveal that the incidences of domestic violence have for a long time been treated as a taboo among the lesbians and gays. This can be attributed to the denial of the problem such that victims resort to keeping quite. This is clearly the most effective way of promoting violence in the respective same-sex relationships. It is important to note two factors which contribute to the state of silence. Moriarty (2008) reveals that the privacy within such intimate relationships is one factor. This common realm of intimate relationships shuns external interference such that partners do not entertain intruders. The fact that these relationships are based on pillars of privacy, state regulation is quite difficult. Various governments find it difficult to get involved in to private businesses of its

Saturday, October 5, 2019

High Budget Deficits and the Growth of the Economy in the Future Term Paper

High Budget Deficits and the Growth of the Economy in the Future - Term Paper Example High budget deficits are usually needed when the economy needs a boost or it may have been in a recession. In my opinion, this is a vital move as a recession can damage an economy if it lasts for several quarters. 2 Firstly due to the budget deficit, government spending will increase. Government spending is a component of aggregate demand. Aggregate demand is defined as the total demand for all goods and services within the economy.3 It consists of Consumer spending, investment, government spending and exports, and imports. Therefore when demand aggregate increases as shown in the diagram, the price rises from r0 to r1. Therefore in the short run, we will be internationally uncompetitive in regards to prices. Therefore other countries will benefit and take our buyers. In addition to this, we will become more dependent on other countries for certain goods and services.4 This is because when we become uncompetitive on a certain good or service, we will eventually stop making it. Conseq uently, we will worsen our current account by increasing our imports. Imports are defined as goods and services that are made outside the country while exports are sold outside our country from us. As a result, our economy will not grow to as much as it can as it will lose a large amount of its export market. However, the multiplier should be taken into consideration as it will affect the magnitude of the increase in aggregate demand. Overall this is known as demand-pull inflation. Increasing government spending may cause a budget deficit but it also has some benefits. For example, the government may choose to create jobs in certain areas. Therefore these people may no longer be relying on the government for money. This seems to reduce government spending in the form of benefits. As a result, that type of money can be put to better use such as children’s education or investments. Furthermore, jobs are created so people have more consumer spending. Consumer spending is defined as the amount of spending spent by each household. Consumer spending is the largest portion of aggregate demand. Also if taxes are lowered then people have more money to spend. When people spend money the shops make the profit. Profit can either be given to shareholders or it can be invested. Now in the short run prices will rise. However if firms invest carefully and on the right things, then prices can be reduced. Firms can spend money on new machinery or training programmes for workers.5 By doing this it will reduce their production costs and lowers the prices of goods and services. As a result, we will be more internationally competitive and will be able to export a lot more goods and services. As the diagram shows that investment shifts the aggregate supply curve to the right, cause the prices levels to fall from Pt to Po. In addition output increases. High Budget deficits entail the characteristics of the fiscal policy. High government spending and lowering taxes causes budge t deficits.