Thursday, January 9, 2020

Employee Motivation in Malaysia - 1141 Words

This journal is actually discussed about a few researchers in Malaysia started to focus their study in this area if this type of motivation can motivate their employees in order to increase their company financial performance and want to provide an informed view to other company executives on the reward strategy that the other company can implied on it. People need motivation in order to achieve organization’s goal. According to Edward and Christopher (2006), generally people will not be willing to come to work or work hard for an organization because sometimes these things are boring. So, company will use reward in order to motivate their employees. Then, for employees it is a motivation for themselves in order to get the reward from their company. First of all, what is reward? Reward is a combination of both financial and non-financial rewards. It can be thing given in recognition service, effort, or achievement. So, it becomes the important elements that employees can use is as motivation to generate innovations idea that leads to better business functionality and can improve company performance by contributing their best effort on it. According to Armstrong (2000), through reward strategy, the organization can develop and design programmes to make sure the performance outcomes support the achievement of its business goal. And there have numerous studies that shown positive results through this structure. In order to design the strategy, the company should ensure aShow MoreRelatedPalm oil stalemate: who is responsible? 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